Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sophia's Introduction 9-20-15

Hello everybody! I'm Sophia, the other owner of this shared blog! To be completely honest, I'm not really an introduction type person. I feel ready to start creating blog posts! Here my best friend Sam and I will talk about so many things. Everything from our favorites, hauls, DIY's (which are more for Sam but I may do a few), mental health, questions and answers about anything and everything (which I'm probably most excited for, relaxing and stress tips, and so so so much more! I'm super excited for this journey and I just can't wait! 

To be 100%, I'm really excited to help a ton of people with anything and everything. <3

I really do wish I had many things to tell you about myself, but personally I think that over time we will just get to know each other quiet well! (: I have more than one favorite color, more than one favorite place to be, and just too many things to just state in one cheesy intro! Please feel free to follow our combined blog as well as both of our social medias! Everything means a whole lot <3

Sophia's Stuff:



Thursday, September 17, 2015

Sam- Introduction 9-17-15

Thursday September Seventeenth Two-thousand Fifteen

Hey inter webs, I don't want to be corny at all so I'm not going to write one of those stupid intros like, hello my name is Sam and I love long walks on the beach!  No, I'm not doing that.  SO- this is my shared blog with my best friend Sophia A.K.A Fifiblossoms, we're just going to be posting a bunch of random stuff here, things like DIYs, opinions on things in social media, future talk and special forums to help other people struggling with different things.  I don't know how often we will be posting here, so just stay tuned!

To find out more info on things that are going to be happening here just stalk me on social media!

  • Twitter- @itsmesammers
  • Google Plus- +ItsMeSammers 
  • Instagram- ssam_peacock
  • Instagram Edits- the_unknownworld
  • Wattpad- @that_girl_with_a_pen
  • YouTube- itsmesammers
  •  Pinterest- Sam Peacock
  • Tumblr- itsmesammers
  • Vine- Sam Peacock
Leave a comment about what you want to see on here on my social media and say Blogger sent you!

See you guys later!